Fully funded emission reductions

The Social Decarb scheme focuses on reducing energy costs and cutting carbon emissions in UK homes. Our approach involves fully funding the installation of technologies that reduce energy use. We identify how much emissions are saved and then turn these reductions into marketable carbon credits. The sale of these credits provides full financial support for the scheme, making it a sustainable initiative.
This approach serves a dual purpose: it significantly reduces households' carbon emissions while simultaneously helping alleviate fuel poverty by lowering their heating bills.

Environmental and social benefits

As a result, this scheme delivers both environmental and social benefits, making a significant contribution towards the UK's planned emission reduction targets for 2030 and net zero by 2050.
The scheme will directly improve health for disadvantages households in the UK by making heating systems more efficient and enabling tenants to keep their homes warmer.
If Social Decarb were to install it’s endothermic fluid in all of the 21-Million boilers in the UK, the estimated carbon offset for this would be 80-Million tonnes over 10-years (2.4% of the total UK 2022 CO2e emissions each year based on a 2022 Government report):

Scheme owners and operators

Verified Carbon Projects are experts in the voluntary carbon market, specializing in identifying and implementing high-integrity carbon projects working with tier-one registries and verification bodies.

Installer network

CORGI are a leading household name in the energy sector with a 50-year trusted pedigree with local authorities and households.

Product provider

Endo Enterprises is a company that focuses on eco-friendly water treatment and energy efficiency solutions and provide the award winning Endotherm product.

Carbon Standards We Adhere To

We uphold a range of standards to ensure compliance and quality of our verified carbon credits and ensure we meet all regulatory obligations.

Problem Statement

There are 26 million homes in the UK.
Around 14% of those are in fuel poverty

With Fuel poverty on the rise and energy price hikes, it’s not only the environment, but society that pays the price. Especially those with the least to give. With 78% of UK Households utilising gas boilers, accounting for 14% of Green House Gas emissions in the UK.
Although there are energy efficiency products available in the market, the cost of installing these measures can be very expensive and most homes just don't have the budget to afford the capital outlay.
Gas boiler inefficiencies
Gas boilers are prevalent but suffer from inherent inefficiencies, operating below optimal levels, leading to energy waste.
Emissions impact
Gas boilers contribute to environmental degradation by emitting greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2e).
Pressure on disadvantaged homes
Rising energy bills disproportionately affect households already facing economic constraints. forcing vulnerable communities to choose between adequate heating and other essential needs.

Our Solution

Reduce fossil fuel usage in domestic dwellings by targeting low-cost, high-impact measures that reduce gas consumption of a heating system.
Beginning with the deployment of Endotherm, an award-winning fluid additive that will reduce the tenants’ heating costs by up to 15%. We will initially target disadvantaged homes in the social housing sector with an extended roll-out to private market in the coming future.
We have a number of other measures in the pipeline that will come on board over the next twelve months that will further reduce heating costs and emissions for the household.
3 tonnes of CO2e saved per household
The product will reduce on average 3 tonnes of CO2e per house over the following 10-years.
Up to 15% reduction on heating bills
From the moment the product in installed, the household will benefit by up to 15% reduction in their heating costs.
Fully funded by the scheme
Both the product and the installation costs are covered by the scheme.
Easy to install
EndoTherm requires no system downtime and can be installed, like an inhibitor, in just 10-15 minutes.
100% organic
EndoTherm is made from 100% organic materials and is fully bio-degradable
Award winning
EndoTherm is a multi-award winning technology with confirmed compatibility with leading boiler and inhibitor brands.

Social Value

Rarely has a carbon credit delivered such direct social value in conjunction with CO2e offsets. Our focus on serving disadvantaged homes ensuring financial benefits are felt from the moment our engineer leaves the premises.

Fuel poverty
The Government has estimated that 6.5 million households in England could be classed as living in fuel poverty in 2023. Some households are being forced to choose between turning heating off or skipping meals.

Public Health England (PHE) has warned there is a damaging overlap between the health impacts of living in a cold home and Covid-19. Pre-existing chronic medical conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and heart disease are particularly badly impacted by a cold home.
6.5 million households in fuel poverty
5.7 million homes having to cut down or skip meals
2.5 billion costs to the NHS of fuel poverty
Scheme benefits
Directly addressing fuel poverty by helping disadvantages groups through housing associations to heat their homes faster, and typically pay 15% less for gas and oil.

By providing warmer homes the scheme also addresses a number of health issues. A stable temperature reduces the strain on cardiovascular systems, reduces damp associated with respiratory diseases, improves immune function, promotes activity and reduces stress.
Reducing heating bills by up to 15%
Warmer homes leading to better health
Reducing fuel poverty
Beginning with the most disadvantages families first we plan to install our measures into 10-million UK homes, reducing the CO2e draw on heating systems by up to 30 million tonnes of CO2e over the next 10 years.

The scheme is having a direct and positive effect of employment all over the UK by providing training and employment for local people, with a focus on helping those from disadvantaged backgrounds getting into work. Our programme will provide them with training, education and aims to provide longer term job security as the project expands. We expect to create up to 2,000 green jobs over the next 4-years.
Up to 12 million tCO2e saved over 10 years
Up to 4 million homes will benefit
Creation of up to 1,000 new green jobs

How the scheme works

It is our desire to implement these measures by working with local authorities, housing associations and other social housing stakeholders. To this end, we have put together a simple step by step introduction (see below) with which to engage participants in the Scheme. We manage the scheme end-to-end including the installation, monitoring and reporting.
Scheme Registration
To participate in the scheme, simply click on the Register button at the top of the page and fill out the initial onboarding details.
A member of our team will then arrange a teams meeting to discuss the next steps in more detail.
Property submission
The participant supplies a list of properties that will be taking part in the scheme and decides if they wish to complete the installs themselves or pass that responsibility to the scheme provider.
The properties will then be carbon scored, based upon many factors including, property type, number of bedrooms, boiler install date etc. A list of approved properties will then be sent back to the participant.
Schedule Installation
The scheme will work with either your own installers or our installer network to schedule the install of each property as soon as possible.
The timelines for this would normally align with when the next gas safety check on the heating system as the engineer would already be on site.
Install completed
An engineer will then carry out the installation of the product on the specified date and gather the required proof of installation via our app.
And that's it, the installed property will now benefit from lower carbon emissions and reduced heating bills.

Register now and start your journey to reducing emissions and heating bills for your housing stock

UN Sustainability goals (SDG’s)

Adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. Our project maps to six of these key goals.
No poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Our goal
Target 1.2 -  By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions. SocialDecarb is directly addressing fuel poverty by helping disadvantaged groups through housing associations to heat their homes faster and typically pay 15% less for gas and oil.
Good health and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Our goal
Target 3.4.1 -  Reduce the mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease. By providing warmer homes SocialDecarb addresses a number of health issues. A stable temperature reduces the stain on cardiovascular systems, reduces damp associated with respiratory diseases, improves immune function, promotes activity and reduces stress.
Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
Our goal
Target 7.3 - By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. By making fully funded CO2e reductions for housing associations and their tenants we are by definition ensuring that people who man not have been able to afford such initiatives and benefit from the technological innovations provided by the installation of Endotherm in their boilers.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Our goal
Target 8.2 -  Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors. SocialDecarb expects to create over 2,000 jobs over the next 3-years
Responsible Consumption and Production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Our goal
Target 12.7 - Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities. SocialDecarb is leading a charge to help public procurement practices. We can provide immediate cost and CO2e savings to disadvantaged homes, at no cost to the Housing Association or tenant.
Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Our goal
Target 13.3.2 - Total Greenhouse emissions per year. SocialDecarb has the capacity to reduce over 2% of the UK’s total emissions were our liquid installed in every boiler*. We intend to scale into Europe and beyond as we continue to playing a meaningful part in the race to Net-Zero.

Climate Targets

As part of the Paris climate agreement the UK has committed to do its part in hitting the following targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Max 1.5 °C
Limit on global warming by under 2 °C above pre industrial levels.
Reach a 68% reduction in emissions by the year 2030 from the 1990 levels.
For all businesses to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Reducing fuel poverty, improving the efficiency of your heating systems

Contact us

To find out more about or scheme, simply fill out and submit the form below and a member of our team will be in touch to arrange a presentation on the benefits of participating in our project. Alternatively you can email or call our team using the contact details below: -
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